addtag closest

(#<widget> 'addtag tag ‘closest x y ?halo? ?start?)
Selects the item closest to the point given by x and y.

If more than one item is at the same closest distance (e.g. two items overlap the point), then the top-most of these items (the last one in the display list) is used.

If halo is specified, then it must be a non-negative value. Any item closer than halo to the point is considered to overlap it.

The start argument may be used to step circularly through all the closest items. If start is specified, it names an item using a tag or id (if by tag, it selects the first item in the display list with the given tag). Instead of selecting the topmost closest item, this form will select the topmost closest item that is below start in the display list; if no such item exists, then the selection behaves as if the start argument had not been specified.

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