
(#<widget> 'insert index chars ?tagList chars tagList ...?)
Inserts all of the chars arguments just before the character at index.

If index refers to the end of the text (the character after the last newline) then the new text is inserted just before the last newline instead.

If there is a single chars argument and no tagList, then the new text will receive any tags that are present on both the character before and the character after the insertion point; if a tag is present on only one of these characters then it will not be applied to the new text.

If tagList is specified then it consists of a list of tag names; the new characters will receive all of the tags in this list and no others, regardless of the tags present around the insertion point.

If multiple chars-tagList argument pairs are present, they produce the same effect as if a separate insert widget command had been issued for each pair, in order.

The last tagList argument may be omitted.

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